Release Notes

Feature CFB #9

A default statement - 'Please check and ensure whether the AOP proccess for this article is completed' pops up when the user signs off the article.

CFB #8

Spell check highlights the correct word.

CR #6

A default statement - 'Please be assured, all essential changes you have requested will be made ahead of publication.' pops up on the author sign off page.

CR #193

A new article type - 'Controversies in GI practice' has been introduced in the Gut Journal.

CR #11

Running headers have been removed from the table when it overflows two or more pages.

CR #109

Template has been changed for CMS Journal. (No page header for landscape pages, just the page no. on the top left-hand corner.)

CR #89

Editor review workflow has been implemented for the INV Journal.

New Setup #52

Email notifications have been updated in the workflow as per the Kriya set up sheet.

New Setup #98

Pre-editing rules have been updated for the PMX Journal.

CFB #247

For PMJ journal, heading level is not allowed, a probe error is introduced to throws an error if the heading level is appearing in this journal.

CFB #350

Insert query option is now available to add the universal query on the reference heading.

CFB #320

All the float citations should appear only in sentence case for IJGC Journal.

CFB #372

When the SC1 XML contains the below tag,

<customfields cdcode="Notes to Production" cdname="Notes to Production" cdvalue="This article contains at least one map figure, please insert the standard legal disclaimer text at proof stage."/>

Then the standard Map disclaimer statement is added as a footnote at the end.

"The depiction of boundaries on the map(s) in this article does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of BMJ (or any member of its group) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, jurisdiction or area or of its authorities. The map(s) are provided without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied."

Feature #31

A new feature has been included in the dashboard that showcases the production days without excluding the weekends. (It is calculate based on the total calendar days.)

CFB #2

The editor captures Article Type only from the input XML.

CFB #502

Journal information tab has been updated in the Kriya setup sheet for the free status of vetrec article.

CFB #340

The online supplementary material statement directly loads in supplementary footnote.

Feature CFB #9

When the user sign off the article, kriya throws an below mentioned alert message to the user.

"Please check and ensure whether the AOP process for this article is completed".

CR #510

Addendum footnote is added as the last footnote in the PDF.