Release Notes

CFB #32

Articles that are on hold stay in their bucket (role).

CR #637

Series title tag has been handled in the Final XML for the BMJOPEN journal.

CR #463

The following change request has been updated.

  • Remove the equator log from the ToC
  • Change in copyright statement from '2019' to '2020' in the ed board page.
  • New subscription prices has been updated in the ed board page of hybrid journals.

CR #40

Placement of Central message box has been handled in the PDF.

CR #725

Twitter in collaborators has been handled in proof.

CR #174

Articles PDF has been protected by password until the author review stage and they has been unsecured when moved to final online prep stages.

CR #662

Topic code has been updated for the article type "2020 vision" & "2020 Hindsight" for JNNP Journal.


section head Config has been updated for bmjinnov journal.

CFB #96

For INV, CMS journal,the term "Abbreviation" has been updated as a footnote for the single abbreviation and the term "Abbreviations" has been updated as a footnote for multiple abbreviations.

CFB #648

Data availability statement has been updated based on the cd value in the "Data availability statement" and "Data availability free text".

CR #678

Topic code has been removed for the republished article in BCR articles.

CR #696

Article type has been changed from 'Research' to 'Original research' for BMJGH journals.

CR #141

Author degrees has been removed in kriya for CMS journal.

CFB #529

Config has been updated with the section head for bmjdrc journals.

CFB #63

Pre-editing points have been updated.

CR #291

Template has been created for the new article type "Perspective" for STI Journal.

CR #70

Issue number had been displayed in the brackets along with the volume number in the cite this article text and in the bottom text of gutter column on opener page.

CR #185

The below mentioned issue has been fixed for the sage journals. How to retain the Author byline and affiliations. Spacing issue between level 1/level 2/level 3 heading and the following text.

CR #537

In Author info component, role field is in view-able in editor for the authors.

CR #260

New templates have been created for rebranding the JRAMC Journal from the 1st issue of 2020.

CR #561

Changes has been updated in Disclaimer statement and Copyright statement in TOC.

CFB #99

Based on the article type, free flag has been updated in the final XML.

New Setup #152

Pre-editing rules have been updated for AHD journal.

New Setup #153

Pre-editing rules have been updated for DST journal.

CR #145

Pre-editing rules have been updated as per the APA 7th edition for ETP and REF Journal.

New Setup #151

Pre-editing rules have been updated for IRQ journal.

Feature #134

A new feature has been introduced wherein all the notification email will be sent from

CR #292

For Jisakos Journal, all proofs are sent to the Managing Editor Leendert Blankevoort (

CR CFB #381

BMJOQ Journal emails are forwarded to new PE Rajeev Rai's personal ID and on

CR #439

The following change request has been updated.

  • Remove PE's personal mail ID from BMJOO (Config update)
  • Press release paper check based on Mail Subject (Workflow update based on Mail notification)

Bug #255

Manuscript value is used for file naming in final packages.

CR #695

Below listed changes updated in the side by side view feature.

  • Split view ratio
  • CSS Update
  • Change the default zoom level to "Actual size"
  • Change in proof view based on roles


A new journal "BMJ Military Health" has been setup in kriya with different article types.

CFB #604

A Probe error pops up to ensure that two @@ signs present in Twitter address.

CR #16

The footer of the PDF has been updated with the journal name, volume and issue.

CR #655

Article type "Original article" & "Research" has been standardised to "Original research.

CR #610

New article type 'Technical video' has been added in Kriya setup sheet for JNIS Journal and the config has been updated.

CR #31

In the Kriya Dashboard, number of days in production has been updated to total number of days.

New Setup #286

Floats and citations have been handled for Appendix.

CR #13

IJM archive conversion articles have been moved to Archive.

CFB #38

Partial italics missing in the article title (references) in the PDF has been fixed in the template.

CR #20

In the flatplan, TOC has been fixed for the journal BJRCR journal.

CFB #56

Take home message box has been fixed as per the sample PDFs.

CR #486

Template has been created for the new article type "Technical Video" for JNIS journal.

CR #576

New template has been created for the article type "2020 Hindsight" for JNNP journal.

CR #441

New template has been created for the article type "Picket" for the Edpract journal.

CR #465

The 'here' link on the begin page of the Author review stage in Kriya is in all caps ('HERE') and in a boxed button.

CR #689

Config has been updated with topic code for JITC journal and section head for JNNP journal.


Pre-editing rules and references has been updated as per the APA 7th edition for HF journal.