Release Notes

CFB #23

Probe validation has been introduced if the table comes after the span tag on HTML version.

CR #972

Section head has been updated for gutjnl.

CR #854

A validation check has been put in place to check if the authors have inserted at least 2 characters (no space) in the query responses.

CR #36

'et al' and 'in press' are an editable fields at Publisher stage.

CR #964

The feature to tag non-OA COVID/coronavirus articles as FREE has been moved to live.

CR #960

The change in chaser email for author proof in view of the COVID-19 pandemic has been implemented.

CR #276

Export XML has been updated.

CR #287

Equally contributed statement symbol has been updated in editor.

CR #83

In author proof email template, changes have been fixed.

CR #39

In author proof email template, changes have been fixed.

CR #302

Sage proof emails were updated.

CFB #288

DOI numbers were shown in proof.

New Setup #278

Pre-editing rules have been updated for the ASU journal.

CFB #267

DOI numbers retained in references for all journals.

Bug #817

Tables are converted to images in the final packages.

CR #5

Pre-editing points has been updated in the config.


License detail updated in config.

CR #175

Changes made to the XHTML .suppl files and Figshare display box on the supplement pages.

CR #286

Different licence statements logos for GIGA journals (SAA, PLA, AFR, CCA) in proofing were implemented.

CR #326

PAP Resupply Button has been added to revert the article to "Publisher review" from "Banked".

CR #602

Track changes has been enabled for the component boxes(i.e., In affiliations, end statements, & head level).

CR #505

City name has been removed in the affiliation for city-states.

CR #68

Proof view option has been enabled for the authors.

CR #75

** The changes requested in the "Author proof chaser" emails have been fixed.

CFB #667

Multiple emails can be added with the comma separator. The secondary email has been removed during the pre-processing as per style guide.

CFB #71

The issues in the taxonomic names have been fixed

CR #941

New section head has been updated.

CR #922

New section head has been updated.

CR New Setup #272

HUG reference points have been updated in live articles.

CR #274

Additional end notes were enabled in proof.

CR #775

New Copyright statement has been updated on TOCs for all the journals.

CR #69

Logos have been set up as requested.

CR #26

Cover design has been updated for the BJR journals.

New Setup #237

Pre-editing rules have been updated for AFR, CCA, PLA and SAA journals.

CR #69

Open access license statement content updated for both CC-BY and CC-BY-NC.

CFB #238

Feedback (APA) points have been fixed in HF, ETP, REF, PMX, AHD, IRQ, and JCEDM

CR #31

The request to standardise the headings (eg, 'Methods' to 'Method', etc) has been updated in Kriya.

CFB #30

Book reference editing issue has been fixed.

CR #685

Editor's perspectives box has been displayed in the first page of the pdf in original research papers for the Rapm Journal.

CFB #26

References related issues has been fixed.


XML has been fixed based on the new requirement.


Offline workflow can be added for specific journals

New Setup #254

Specific points in PHR and JHL were implemented/not implemented.

CR #80

Option provided to add Twitter handles to institution