Release Notes

Bug #48

Feedback regarding CMS references in Gilbert books were fixed.

CR #1145

Kriya login has been created for production editor, Hannah Martin.

CR #1122

JITC topic code implementation has been moved to live.

CR #369

PHR COVID-19 author and editor proof emails were set up to copy ‘Andrey Kuzmichev’.

CR #51

Collaborated References and citation should be in Alphabetical and Chronological order issue has been fixed

CR #359

Updated signature line in CMS email proof template.

CR #1115

GPSYCH workflow has been updated to remove Publisher check stage.

CR #54

Workflow has been updated to sign-off chapters to publisher before copy-editing stage.

CR #380

RRPE workflow has been updated to send an article to the proofreader before it goes to the author.

CFB #44

Reference style (APA 7th edition) updated.

CR #108

PE rules turned-on for BJJ Journal.

CR #100

Processing instruction added in Coronavirus articles at pre-processing stage

Bug #365

Section head "field" has been removed.

CR #1008

JITC online version has been updated to show the section head and article type.

Bug #358

Doi duplicated is been fixed in reference.

CFB #1071

The issue with author signing off papers without answering AQs has been fixed.

CR #1089

Hyperlink has been added to the gutter badge statement and Patient consent has been removed for all bmjos article types.

CR #1081

Abstract content in JNIS Technical video will be tagged as abstract, going forward.

CFB #357

ASU missing rules have been updated.

CR #356

AMA missing rules have been updated for ASU, CMS and NPX journals.

CR #1107

Configuration has been updated to include the relevant topic code automatically.

CFB #351

Pre-editing feedback points were fixed.

CR #1057

The proofing email sent to the authors has been amended as per client request.

Feature #870

Displaying data related API failure message in proof QC.

CR #1062

Pre-editing rule for COVID-19/Covid-19 (all other journals/vetrec journals) has been updated.

CFB #46

PubMed ID field has been enabled for editing.

CR #43

Caption paragraph style has been fixed.

CFB #50

The request to standardise the headings (eg, 'Methods' to 'Method', etc) has been updated in Kriya.

CFB #44

Unwanted autogenerated queries have been ignored.

CR #349

New License update for Sage journals has been fixed.