Release Notes

CR #1146

bmjstel journal abbreviation has been updated to *BMJ Simul Technol Enhanc Learn*

: Public

Released for: bmj

================================================= Zoho 936303

REQUIREMENT: Correct NLM abbreviation for the journal BMJ simulation & technology enhanced learning should be *BMJ Simul Technol Enhanc Learn __________________________ Release Notes: bmjstel journal abbreviation has been updated to **BMJ Simul Technol Enhanc Learn***

Release Note-type

CR #412

Article Type change updated along with Workflow.

CR #1184

Displaying handling editor name on 1st page gutter in EMJ papers has been moved to live.

CFB #131

The author information issues are resolved.

CR #1183

Author photo and bio will be displayed in editor for IJGC Educational video lecture.

CR #55

DOI for individual chapters would be generated and added in the PDF

Feature #932

Options to move paragraphs available at all stages, all customers

CR #112

Give option to remove Cite this article text form Ahead of print papers.

CR #19

RCGP deliverables has been automated

CR #58

Footnote order has been fixed.

CR #114

Article type has been fixed.

Feature #57

Pap folder structure has been fixed.

CR #1185

EULAR topic code in ARD will be added only for Recommendations, Criteria and Extended reports article types.

CR #1181

License URL to the license element has been updated.

: Public

Released for: BMJ


Time/effort estimate required

Zoho 974499

REQUIREMENT A small change is necessary to the ali:license_ref tagging (currently implemented on OA content).

See updated document:

In short: please add a the license URL to the license element, after the license_type attribute. The correct tagging should be (example of CC BY Open Access: of course the URL will be different if it's, for instance, CC BY NC):

<license license-type="open-access" xlink:href="">

Nothing else, before and after that, changes. This should be a pretty straightforward change, and of course it is valid for all cases where an ali:license_ref element is used (so, for all OA content).

In this way, the information is fully machine readable.

No change to the PDF templates. ____________________________________ Release Notes: Change in ali tagging has been moved to live.

Release Note-type

CR #111

Option given to editors to raise AQ.

CR #1211

New article type has been moved to live.

CR #1174

New edpract article type Viewpoint has been moved to live.

CR #121

Workflow (Email notification) correctly fixed.


Username (email address) to access kriyadocs is no longer case sensitive

CR #109

Auto-gen emails have been stopped sending to Publisher stage.

CFB #135

Table symbols position changes as online.

CFB #127

PDF Generation slowness issue has been resolved.

CFB #134

Spell check option correctly fixed.

CR #129

New PE rules are updated.

CFB #115

PE rules correctly updated for BJP.

CFB #125

Table related issues are resolved.

CR #143

et al., style updated for display first 6 authors name.

CR #118

Supplementary material back matter note section has been added.

CR #1109

Supplementary has been changed to supplemental wherever suppl material is referred in the article and branded suppl material files.

CR #133

The word From added before the Principal Institution for all BJP journals.

CR #1196

New section head has been added.

CR #48

Author chaser has been changed as per request.

CR #1153

neurintsurg-2017-013052 has been repurposed

CFB #1172

Probe regarding has been updated.

CFB #398

Tables and Figures Citations in INV articles were fixed.

CR #58

Option given for publisher to Sign-off the chapter to proof readers from publisher check stage.

CFB #124

Query related issues are resolved.

CR #47

xml issues have been fixed.

CR #1170

Separate print pdfs with only the abstract and select floats have been moved to live.

CR #1189

New article type has been added.

CR #49

XML issue has been fixed.

CR #1091

ARD topic codes have been configured in the system and the listed papers have been resupplied.

CFB #20

Fraction's point-size matched with the online character point-size.

CFB #101

Errors in automation UK spelling has been fixed.

CR #137

Figure citation and Figure label updated for all journals in BJP.

New Setup #8

Workflow updated for PPL to sign off from Typesetter check/Publisher check to Final deliverable

CFB #36

Equations will now display in black

CR #130

ISSN correctly updated in DOI.

CR #1187

Template has been updated to display the article Type in banner (pdf and online) for JCP Correspondence article type.

CR #139

Workflow updated correctly.

CR #141

Sign-off option order has been corrected.

CFB #128

OA statement edit option has given to publisher.

CR #1104

Additional amendment (Editor's note end statement with standard text) to SRH clinical consult has been moved to live.

CR #48

Author chaser has been changed as per request.

CR #1162

Blurb text to be displayed in ADC toc has been moved to live.

CR #400

JHL workflow updated.

CR #1156

BMJ Military workflow has been reverted to previous workflow.

CFB #120

AQ issues for primary editors has been fixed correctly.