Release Notes

CR #1207

Automatic addition of date of interview in Author note end statement in BMJ Leader 10 minutes with... articles has been moved to live.

CR #429

Gold OA set-up for NPX has been updated.

Feature #1318

Publisher can able to resolve an Author's query.

Bug #1079

Text change in the Kriyadocs editor.


Option provided to change the column width of table by entering value manually in new Tablesetter

CR #337

Doi numbers in references for INV and RRPE issue has been fixed.

CR #154

PE rules correctly updated for BJP.

CR #174

Primary editor's new email address has added.

CR #432

Style updates to GIGA journals updated.

CFB #47

References and Citations updates are fixed.

CFB #895

The issue with linked footnotes citations not getting automatically updated when a linked footnote is deleted or the order is changed has been fixed.

CFB #16

Validation has been added if there is no corresponding author for an article to prevent signing off to Author Review stage

CR #68

copy-editor email address has been changed.

New Setup #1037

Reference style updated for IET BOOKS.

Feature #65

Reviewers now get automatic reminder emails from Kriyadocs - email templates and the schedule are customizable!

CFB #110

'Note' section - editor bug has been fixed

CFB #138

References issue has been resolved.

CFB #117

Bug in match case and match whole word has been resolved.

CR #1171

EBMH Original research PDF and HTML templates have been updated.

CFB #801

Apostrophe s in author names in reference citations has been retained as it is.

CR #1233

Section head has been removed from BCR case reports.

CR #1244

New topic code '2562' (Molecules in pathogenesis) has been configured in Kriya for JCP.

CR #1242

BJSM Patient voice article type is tagged FREE in final xml.

Feature #123

Bug in replacing term without going through the search first has been resolved.

CR #1236

New article type Global health in BCR has been moved to live.

CR #1234

Correction article template has been updated to display the reference list.

Bug CR #136

Bullet style fixed for tables.

CFB #19

Author chaser has been fixed.

CR #417

Chaser email re-setup has been updated.

Bug #46

Reference issue has been solved.

CR #1266

Topic code '2431' has been configured for bmjpo Young voice article type.

CR #1253

The new article type 'Coroner's concerns to prevent harm' has been moved to live.