Release Notes

CR #225

Additional email tag added to the XML


Orcid issue has been resolved


Translate option has been fixed


Backmatter footnotes has been handled


Duplicate Reference issue has been fixed


Reference issue has been fixed


Updated the csl with Paper-conference container title prefix, event-location, full last page display


Paragraph and heading template issue fixed.


Changed author affiliation style to new style as asked by the client


Fixed the bug in table 4 caption for demo article


Extra dots fixed in labels, ranges should be hyphen, non-breakable space updated in between unit and number


Word break issue updated


Right Panel updated for remove double dots

CR #1590

The email address of the editor-in-chief of rmdopen journal has been changed to

CR #1475

New journal 'BMJ Medicine' has been set up on Kriya.

Bug #93

Fixed the reference validation issues


Fixed H2 to be tagged as italic instead of bold on kriyadocs stylesheet

CR #127

Auto-assignment config at Primary Editor Check is fixed


Fixed NBSP between numbers and units

CR #448

Table column head Title case automated for PMX journal


Fixed - automatic removal of shading in tables


Nomenclature style, First page footnote updated

CR #1575

New article type Correspondence has been set up for BMJSRH article type.

CR #2998

First citation bold implemented


Fixed the Styles (Proofing) related issues


Editor related Points updated


Fixed the table alignment issues for the Table 1 and Table 2 and default centre alignment issue for headings.


Proof control option enabled for Client stages


Street option is fixed in AHS


Duplicate funding issue has been fixed.


Editor update for Spandidos - Batch 2


End dot updated in author middle initial


Equal adjust and proofing process fail is fixed

Bug #89

Word merge issues has been fixed.

CR #1522

EULAR logo on the first page of RMDOPEN articles has been updated.


Author Affiliation formatting update


Page ranges and journal title breaking issue has been fixed

Bug CFB #74

Word break in the mid of URL has been avoided in PDF.

CR #91

Automatic content loading from SMART to Sage digital projects

CR #901

NLM article type has been fixed in export XML.


Float placement and continued object style fixed


Footnote issue has been fixed


Removed the old reference editor option

Feature #2730

Automatic handling of copyediting requirement of Press release papers.

Feature #2675

LAP articles has been visible only to the senior copyeditors and are not visible to other copyeditors in new dashboard.


The dataset displaying correctly in the dataset tables